Kids typically start kindergarten at 5-6 years old.
At this age, they’re developing a lot, so it’s a big year for learning new things and developing new skills.
Because they have little to no background on most topics that they’ll be learning, coming up with an appropriate kindergarten homeschool curriculum can be difficult, especially if it's your first time homeschooling.
But the kindergarten curriculum is pretty straightforward...
It focuses mostly on mastering the alphabet, their sounds, and how they form simple words.
This is the year that they’ll be taking their first steps toward reading and expanding their vocabulary.
Kindergarten is also when your child starts grasping the basics of math. They’ll learn how to count, recognize shapes, and even perform single-digit addition and subtraction.
To make homeschooling your kindergarten child easier, we’ve created a free printable weekly schedule for you to download.
And then in the sections below, you’ll find links to multiple activities, ideas, lesson plans, and resources to supplement your routine.
Kindergarten Homeschool Curriculum Schedule

In our weekly kindergarten schedule above, you’ll notice three core subjects for kindergarten highlighted in blue.
- Math
- Writing
- Phonics & Reading
We call these the core subjects for kindergarten because most homeschool curricula focus on these 3 fundamentals.
The time spent for each of those is 30 minutes for a total of 90 minutes per day, so teaching your child just these 3 subjects already complies with the ISBE’s recommendations.
There are also secondary subjects in the schedule between 1:00 to 2:00 PM, such as:
- Art
- Music
- Science
- Social Studies
It’d be good if you also taught these to your child since they’ll learn a lot from it, but you might not always have the time, and that’s okay.
If you’re a parent who has to work in addition to homeschooling your kids, just focus on the 3 core subjects. Then, if you have extra time, you can expose your kids to the secondary subjects.
A Quick Disclaimer...
The weekly schedule and the resources provided below are only our recommendations.
Even when we’re basing it on the ISBE’s recommendations as well as numerous homeschool curricula online, homeschooling laws per state vary.
So, make sure to familiarize yourself with your state’s laws on homeschooling.
Some require no notice while some have more strict regulations.
The required subjects to teach per state are different, too.
Because of this, you should create your own schedule that complies with your state’s regulations.
Here’s an empty table that you can just fill out depending on your situation.

Homeschool Hours Per Day in Kindergarten
Just this March, the Illinois State Board of Education released a chart summarizing their recommendations for how long you should be homeschooling your child per day.
The amount of time depends on the grade level.
For kindergarten, it’s 30 to 90 minutes per day with a recommended length of sustained attention of 3 to 5 minutes.
Some parents homeschool their kids for longer, but it depends on what your child can handle, as it’s important not to stress them out.
Some kids keep learning even during their free time, so their parents go beyond the recommended hours when homeschooling.
On the other hand, some kids find school work boring, so it’s probably best if parents stuck to the recommended hours (while being extra patient).

Download Our Daily Planner
Here’s a daily planner you can use to map out specific activities you’ll be doing throughout the day.
Using this planner is simple:
In the Objectives box, write down everything you want to accomplish with your child by the end of the day. For example, you can write down, “Be able to recognize squares, circles, and triangles” or “Count from 1 to 10.”
In the Activities box, write down the exercises, worksheets, or games you’ll be doing to help achieve your objectives.
And in the Materials box, make a checklist of all the necessary things you need for the activities planned.

What Your Kids Will Learn in Kindergarten
Children learn and develop at different paces, but it’s still reassuring to know what kind of things to expect at this stage in your kid’s life.
Typically, this is the year when children learn the basics of math, reading, and writing.
Here’s a list of some of the most common things children learn in kindergarten:
- Counting up to 100
- Naming and writing all 26 letters of the alphabet
- Recognizing uppercase and lowercase letters
- Read about 30 high-frequency words such as the, and, was, and in.
- Writing simple CVC words like dog, cat, and rat.
- Reading the time
- Organizing objects by size, shape, and weight
These are only some of the achievements your child will be accomplishing, and we’ll list down these learning achievements per subject in the following sections.
Keep in mind that the list above and the following lists you’ll see are only recommendations and should be used as a comparison tool, not the be-all and end-all standard for your child’s development at this age.
Kindergarten Curriculum Core Subjects
Circle Time or Bible Studies:
You and your child might not be much of a group for circle time, but it’s still a good idea to sit down for some fun and simple activities before starting your formal lessons.
During this time, you can:
- Sing songs
- Recite poems
- Read a little bit
- etc
Think of Circle Time as a warmup to get your child in the mood for learning. If you don’t know what to do during this time, here’s a list of 37 ideas for circle-time activities.
In Christian households, parents can use this time to pray with their kids or teach them bible stories.
Christian Resources
Here are 4 free resources and websites to teach your child all about the Bible:

Kindergarten Math Curriculum:
Teaching your child math at an early age will help them learn vital life skills such as problem-solving and analytical thinking.
Besides, if they learn to love math at this age, the likelier it is that they’ll grow up to be good at math.
So, how exactly should you teach math to your kindergartener?
Here are the objectives for this subject:
Math Learning Objectives
By the end of the year, your child should be able to:
- Count rotely and objects in a set to at least 20, preferably up to 30 or beyond
- Count in 2s and 5s up to 20
- Count backward from 10 to 0
- Recognize and write the numbers 1 to 20 and understand that these symbolize quantity
- Understand the concept of “equal,” “more than,” and “less than,” and using these, can compare and order 2 or more sets of objects (with each set having no more than 20 objects)
- Use both cardinal and ordinal numbers
- Add and subtract single-digit numbers
Geometry & Patterns
- Name, describe, and draw common shapes (line, circle, triangle, rectangle, and square)
- Understand basic directions (up, down, left, right, near, under, etc.)
- Classify and sort sets based on a rule (e.g., sort in 3s, sort by color, or sort by shape)
- Recognize half of a whole object
- Continue repeating patterns (e.g., square-circle-square-circle or 1-3-1-3)
- Identify a missing term in a repeating pattern (e.g., yellow-black-yellow-____-yellow-black)
- Identify and organize sizes (big, average-sized, and small)
- Compare and order objects by weight
- Name 3-dimensional shapes and understand that they’re formed by 2-dimensional shapes
- Tell time to the nearest hour
- Name and order the days of the week and months of the year
- Compare the duration of events by hours
- Identify coins and relate their values (penny, nickel, dime, and quarter)
- Count coins and know the value of combinations
Math Worksheets and Resources
Here are 5 free resources and websites that can help you with the objectives listed above:
- Khan Academy - Kindergarten Math Courses
- - 10 Fun Math Activities for Kindergarteners
- Math Salamanders - Kindergarten Worksheets
- - Over 1,000 Kindergarten Math Games, Worksheets, and Lesson Plans
- The Measured Mom - 100+ Free Math Printables
Math Tips for Parents
Children at this age can’t quite grasp symbolic concepts yet, so it’s helpful to teach them with manipulatives such as blocks, puzzles, or clocks. It would also help if you played simple activities or asked them questions outside of lessons.
When you’re riding in the car, for example, you can just state a number and ask your child to tell you what number comes next. Or when you’re waiting in line or putting them to bed, you can ask how many people are in the line or how many stuffed toys your child has.
Make use of their surroundings and have them apply what they’ve learned.
This will also teach them to become more observant.

Kindergarten Phonics & Reading Curriculum:
In phonics, your child will start learning the sounds that the letters in the alphabet signify.
Being able to match these sounds from the English language to their respective letters is the first step to literacy.
As you give your child phonics instruction, you should also spend time reading to and with them. This helps enhance their imagination as well as help them understand the world better.
It also increases their vocabulary, attention span, IQ level, and knowledge of morals, personalities, relationships, and emotions.
Plus, the sound of your voice can be very calming to your child, and the time spent reading with them would bring them closer to you.
Phonics & Reading Learning Objectives
By the end of the year, your child should be able to:
Phonological Awareness
- Match spoken letters to their pictures/symbols and vice versa
- Recognize the sounds associated with the letters of the alphabet
- Understand and distinguish consonants from vowels
- Recognize and produce rhyming sounds
- Segment and blend simple words
- Match spoken words with written ones
- Read and spell sight words (words they use often) such as “the,” “and,” “in,” and their names
- Read and spell simple CVC (consonant-vowel-consonant) words such as “bat,” “tap,” and “hut”
- Use descriptive language when explaining
Print Concepts
- Understand that we read from left to right until the end of a line and then return to the left to read a new line
- Distinguish words from letters
- Know that words are separated by spaces
- Understand punctuation marks
Reading Comprehension
- Identify the topic and key details of a book such as who the characters are, what events happened, and where they happened
- Understand the basic motivations behind the characters’ actions
- Relate the events in the story to what goes on in their life and the world around them
- Make predictions of what might happen next
- Summarize a story while you guide them with prompts
- Notice what’s similar and different between 2 books (e.g., some books tell stories and some are more informative)
- Sequence story events using pictures
Phonics & Reading Worksheets and Resources
Here are 12 free resources and websites that can help you with the objectives listed above:
- - Dolch Kindergarten Sight Words
- My Beautiful Mess - Classical Kindergarten Reading List
- [Game] Teach Your Monster to Read
- Starfall - Free Interactive Reading Lessons
- - 1000+ Kindergarten Reading Games, Activities, and Worksheets
- All Kids Network - Phonics Worksheets
- Great Schools - Over 150 Kindergarten Reading Worksheets
- KizPhonics - Phonics Worksheets
- Wilbooks - Free Kindergarten Online Books
- Free Children Stories - Online Story Books with Illustrations and Videos
- Storyline Online - Diverse Online Stories for Kids Narrated by Celebrities
- Oxford Owl - Reading Resources for Children
Phonics & Reading Tips for Parents
For young kids, easier-level books are more effective because your child will feel more accomplished from being able to read it. Which then spurs them to read more.
You should also choose books that your child finds particularly interesting, and read their favorite books with them over and over because kids learn through repetition.
Supplement their learning by asking questions and encouraging them to repeat simple words aloud.
When you’re outside, ask them to read simple words from store posters, billboards, or street signs.
If you find them reading books on their own, encourage these attempts by asking them about what they’ve read, if they enjoyed it or not, and if they learned something from it.

Kindergarten Writing Curriculum:
Writing goes hand-in-hand with reading.
It further improves their literacy by applying phonics and the concepts of printed language.
Having your child learn to write this early on will help them learn handwriting, punctuation, spelling, and grammar faster.
At this age, the first words your child will write will probably be in weird spellings or drawings. But even then, they’re already starting to understand the meaning of connection as they try to convey their thoughts on paper.
Writing is also a good exercise for your child’s brain.
It combines skills they’ve learned from reading, math logic, motor skills, and even requires a little emotional intelligence, especially if they’re writing to express their feelings.
Writing Learning Objectives
By the end of the year, your child should be able to:
Words and Letters
- Correctly and smoothly write the letters of the alphabet without omitting letters
- Identify, distinguish, and write uppercase and lowercase letters
- Write about 30 sight words
- Write simple CVC words
- Write their first and last name and the names of their family members
- Spell simple words phonetically
- Write and identify numerals
Sentences & Print
- Write short sentences involving sight words and CVC words such as “The hat is red.”
- Use end punctuation marks (periods, question marks, and exclamation points)
- Capitalize letters that begin sentences and important words (i.e., proper nouns)
- Write from left to right and top to bottom
- Correctly space letters and words when they write
Writing Expressively
- Write routinely for an extended amount of time
- Write in different purposes depending on the audience
- Write a story with a beginning, middle, and end spanning 3 or more pages with pictures and labels
- Use transition words such as first, next, and, then, etc.
- Write simple rhyming poems or songs
- Label and caption pictures, possessions, and objects
- Use words and images to investigate, answer questions, and draw conclusions
Writing Worksheets and Resources
Here are 6 free resources and websites that can help you with the objectives listed above:
- Great Schools - 98 Kindergarten Writing Worksheets
- - 200+ Kindergarten Writing Games, Lessons, and Activities
- K5 Learning - Writing Worksheets for Kindergarten
- Kindergarten Mom - Writing Printables
- K12 Reader - Kindergarten Writing Prompts
- Kindergarten Connection - 21 Fun Handwriting Activities for Kids
Writing Tips for Parents
Create an environment where your child can be motivated to write. Provide them with a workplace equipped with writing materials like paper, pencils, crayons, and markers.
Encourage them by asking about the things they’ve written and maybe even frame their drawings or displaying their writings on the refrigerator.
You can also include them in activities that involve writing, such as creating a grocery list or making a chore chart.
Kindergarten Curriculum Secondary Subjects

Kindergarten Art Curriculum:
Art has many developmental benefits for your child.
Making strokes with a paintbrush, shading with crayons, and doodling with a marker all contribute to refining your child’s motor skills.
Drawing, crafting, and sculpting help develop their visual-spatial skills too, which is important because children nowadays learn a lot from graphic sources as they’re exposed to plenty of visual information from television, smartphones, and computers.
Aside from making them more creative and imaginative, art also helps strengthen their decision-making, inventiveness, cultural awareness, and critical-thinking skills.
Every time they make art is a learning opportunity.
They’ll learn new words from colors and shapes, they’ll learn to innovate using the materials they have available, and they’ll explore the world around them by reflecting it in their art.
Art Learning Objectives
By the end of the year, your child should be able to:
Art Tools
- Hold writing utensils (pencils, markers, crayons, and paintbrushes) correctly while drawing or writing
- Make smooth linear motions with a writing instrument while drawing letters, shapes, and numbers
- Precisely cut along a dotted line with a pair of scissors
- Use glue with control
- Manipulate clay by rolling, squeezing, pulling, and kneading and assemble something with it
- Know how to keep and care for their art tools and compositions
Basic Principles
- Be familiar with the primary and secondary colors, as well as black and white
- Know the difference between light and dark colors
- Draw different types of lines (straight, narrow, wide, jagged, curved, vertical, horizontal, and diagonal)
- Draw the basic geometric shapes
- Combine and close lines to create abstract shapes
- Connect and combine shapes and materials to create something else
- Be aware of different textures of surfaces in their environment
- Repeat lines, shapes, and colors to make patterns
- Make a collage
- Use all the elements they learned to create an artwork
Context and Analysis
- Talk about the details of what they drew, painted, or crafted and if they were inspired by nature, an event, or a story that they read
- Respond to their own or others’ art by talking about how it makes them feel
- Differentiate works of art based on style and subject matter
- Investigate their environment and notice the colors, lines, shapes, and textures that make up the objects they see
- Understand that their environment can inspire art
- Have examined a few historical and modern artwork so they can relate those to their own work
Art Worksheets and Resources
Here are 6 free resources and websites that can help you with the objectives listed above:
- KinderArt - Art Lesson Plans
- We Are Teachers - 40 Kindergarten Art Projects That Inspire Creativity in Every Student
- JumpStart - Online Art Resources for Kids
- - 50+ Arts Games, Lesson Plans, and Worksheets for Kindergarteners
- Deep Space Sparkle - Free Art Projects for Kids
- My Teaching Station - Kindergarten Art and Colors Printable Worksheets
Art Tips for Parents
When making art, kids end up getting upset if they can’t create what they visualized in their minds.
So, tell them that mistakes are to be expected and that you can turn mistakes into something else.
Another hack when teaching art to your kindergartener is to minimize the use of pencils.
Pencils have thin strokes, so when they use it to draw small shapes like eyes and have to color them, they might get frustrated if they color outside the lines.
Pencil markings can also be erased and this makes it more likely for them to second-guess.
So, use markers. They’ll help your child commit to drawing, forgive mistakes, and then work around them.
Also, always pick subjects that they find fun, and remind them to clean up their workspace whenever they’ve finished working on something.

Kindergarten Music Curriculum:
Music connects everyone in the world. Its effects on us are almost magical.
When you expose your child to music during their early years, you’re helping ignite their intellectual, emotional, and social readiness.
Music is also an excellent tool for language studies because your child can learn words and their meaning through song lyrics.
Music Learning Objectives
By the end of the year, your child should be able to:
- Recognize and move to a steady beat
- Distinguish between different ways we use our voices - (singing, speaking, whispering, and shouting)
- Sing in high and low pitch as well as match the pitch in melodies
- Sing loudly and softly
- Differentiate fast and slow tempo
- Know the sounds of an orchestra
- Sing skipping songs and songs with actions
- Know a few folk songs
Music Worksheets and Resources
Here are 8 free resources and websites that can help you with the objectives listed above:
- Mrs. Miracle’s Music Room - Favorite Kindergarten Music Activities
- Dynamic Music Room - 9 Fun Music Activities for Kindergarten
- Atlas Mission - 6 Kindergarten Music Games that Flex Some Serious Mind Muscles
- - 29 Free Kindergarten Games, Lessons, and Printable Worksheets
- All Kids Network - Music Worksheets for Kids
- Story Time Stands Out - 55 Printable Rhymes, Songs, Chants, and Fingerplays
- Let’s Play Kids Music - 150+ Free Kids Songs by Theme
- SparkleBox - Printable Nursery Rhyme Song Lyric Sheets
Music Tips for Parents
When you’re singing songs or playing games involving nursery rhymes, be energetic and have fun.
That way, you’ll leave them wanting more.

Kindergarten Social Studies Curriculum:
The social studies curriculum in kindergarten is focused mostly on kids’ social relationships with their family, what their neighborhood is like, and some primary civic responsibilities.
This subject is important because it’ll be the basis for your child knowing how to interact with new people they meet, especially those of other cultures.
It’s a start for developing social skills, learning how to make and keep friends, and learning how to cope with difficult feelings if things don’t go the way they want during an interaction.
Social Studies Learning Objectives
By the end of the year, your child should be able to:
Family & Friends
- Play, cooperate, share, and take turns with others
- Recognize their names when they see it in print
- Be familiar with the names of their immediate and extended family members as well as what they do (if they have jobs or still in school)
- Be familiar with their phone numbers and street address
- Use a telephone
- Understand that there are different types of families (e.g., single parents, stepparents, adoptive parents, same-sex parents, etc.) and be able to appreciate these differences
- Maintain positive relationships with friends and family, respect others, and be responsible for their own actions
Society & Environment
- Follow basic rules and explain why rules are important
- Know the basic street signs (stop signs, pedestrian lanes, traffic lights, etc.)
- Know what makes a good citizen
- Know their country’s basic symbols like the national flag, Pledge of Allegiance, or national anthem
- Know the importance of honesty, bravery, patriotism, and responsibility
- Respect their leaders and know the purpose of authority figures in society such as police officers, librarians, and firefighters
- Respect and care for the environment by not littering, recycling & reusing objects, and not disturbing plants or animals in their natural habitat
- Know necessary safety measures if there’s ever an earthquake, a fire, or intruders.
Culture & Economics
- Know that groups and cultures in society have different interests, ideals, and traditions but still form a collective that should help one another
- Explain what the different jobs are that people do at work and know that people work for money so they can buy the things they need
- Know how and why their family and other families celebrate significant religious or social holidays
- Name the basic human needs (food, shelter, clothing, and safety) and be able to differentiate between want and need
Social Studies Worksheets and Resources
Here are 6 free resources and websites that can help you with the objectives listed above:
- - 144 Kindergarten Social Studies Games, Lesson Plans, and Printable Worksheets
- Kindergarten Worksheets - Free Social Studies Worksheets
- Kids Academy - 91 Kindergarten Social Studies Printables
- JumpStart - Social Studies Worksheets
- My Teaching Station - 65 Kindergarten Social Studies Printable Worksheets
- New Path Worksheets - Social Studies Worksheets and Study Guides Kindergarten
Social Studies Tips for Parents
Society can be very confusing to a kid, so if your child asks questions...
Make sure to answer patiently and as clearly as possible.

Kindergarten Science Curriculum
Science is very important because it’s based on curiosity and holds most of the clues that your child needs to understand the world around them.
It’s super helpful in helping your child learn essential life skills such as organization, concentration, observation, communication, and just an overall sense of awareness of themselves, other people, and the environment.
Science at this age is also a great teaching tool because children are hands-on learners, and science will give them plenty of opportunities to explore the natural and technological world.
It’ll definitely give your child a huge boost in intellectual development.
Science Learning Objectives
By the end of the year, your child should be able to:
Scientific Thinking
- Note observations and guesses in a journal
- Communicate their observations (e.g., how plant leaves are different from one another, comparisons of the properties of different materials, etc.) as well as their ideas
- Ask a question, come up with a guess to answer said question, and investigate (by observing, measuring, or gathering data) whether that guess was correct
Life Science
- Name basic human body parts and determine their functions
- Know the 5 senses
- Distinguish living things from nonliving things
- Detail how seasons affect living things
- Understand the life processes of animals and plants as well as their basic needs for survival
- Know the major parts of a plant (roots, stem, leaves, flower, etc.)
- Describe and compare the appearance, structure, and behavior of common animals like birds, cats, dogs, earthworms, etc.
Earth Science & Astronomy
- Grasp the concept of seasons
- Analyze the water cycle
- Explain that the sun is a source of light and heat, and if you block it in certain ways, it can create shadows
- Compare the night sky from the sky at daytime
- Name the planets in the solar system
- Group and classify rocks whether they’re smooth or rough, dull or shiny, big or small, etc.
Physical Science
- Be familiar with how gravity affects everything on Earth
- Compare and describe properties of physical materials -- such as paper, wood, and fabric -- using the 5 senses
- Have explored how different materials react to water
- Observe how an object’s physical properties (round, square, rough, etc.) affect how they move
- Build things with various objects and tear them apart
- Know that some things might not work if their parts are incomplete
Science Worksheets and Resources
Here are 11 free resources and websites that can help you with the objectives listed above:
- - 10 Easy At-Home Science Experiments for Kids
- - 355 Kindergarten Science Games, Lessons, and Printable Worksheets
- Internet4Classrooms - Kindergarten Science Resources
- We Are Teachers - 23 Kindergarten Science Activities to Try this Month
- K5 Learning - Kindergarten Science Worksheets
- Kindergarten Worksheets - Free Science Worksheets
- TLS Books - Free Kindergarten Science and Thinking Skills Worksheets
- Little Worksheets - Kindergarten Printable Science Worksheets
- MomJunction - Top 25 Science Experiments for Kindergarten and Kids
- Mommy Poppins - 64 Easy Science Experiments for Kids to Do at Home
- Learning Hypothesis - Top 10 Kindergarten Science Apps & Websites
Science Tips for Parents
When teaching science to your kindergartener, you should always encourage them to have an inquiring attitude toward everything going on around them.
Be an example yourself and show excitement whenever you’re exploring nature, technology, and all other disciplines.
This interest will seep into them and they won’t help but be excited as well.
Don’t forget to always be safe whenever you and your child are doing experiments. Wear proper science gear such as lab gowns and safety goggles.
Science can be messy because you’ll be poking around a lot and stirring things up to find out what’ll happen if you do certain things.
So, be safe and supervise your kids.

Kindergarten History Curriculum:
History is all about modeling great qualities from people of the past so that we can imitate their achievements.
It’s also about learning from other people’s mistakes that have led to catastrophic consequences.
For children, studying history is very important because they’re the next generation to take on the helm of humanity and hopefully set right the things generations before them have done.
A proper study of history will help them become better citizens, more responsible people, and members of society who push for social development.
It’ll also improve their judgment, decision-making, and sense of identity.
History Learning Objectives
By the end of the year, your child should be able to:
- Understand the relationship between the past and the present
- Recount personal occurrences to further understand that history tells events that happened in the past
- Sequence historical events using before and after
- Know prominent national historical figures such as Martin Luther King Jr., Abraham Lincoln, Sojourner Truth, George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Abraham Lincoln, and Harriet Beecher Stowe
- Know that Native Americans were the original inhabitants of North America
- Remember stories of historical figures who were embodiments of honesty, bravery, and responsibility
- Know that early inhabitants of the world moved a lot so they can gather food and hunt, and they didn’t have all the things we have now but were able to improve their lives by making tools, domesticating animals, and farming
- Know what an astronaut is and name a few (e.g., Neil Armstrong)
History Worksheets and Resources
Here are 4 free resources and websites that can help you with the objectives listed above:
- - 29 Kindergarten History Games, Lessons, and Printable Worksheets
- JumpStart - History Worksheets
- History for Kids - History Worksheets
- 123Homeschool4Me - History Lessons for Kids
History Tips for Parents
To make learning history more engaging, use pictures and videos when telling stories of the past. It’ll make it easier for your child to visualize the events.
When discussing historical events, you might miss out on a few details, so prepare for questions that your child will ask.
They’ll inevitably ask about topics on the uglier side of history, but don’t shy away from their questions.
Without going into too much detail, just carefully explain that some people have done bad things in the past and that it’s important to learn from the mistakes they did so that we don’t do them again.

Kindergarten Geography Curriculum:
Your child will learn about geography when studying social studies and history already, but having geography as a separate subject will further enhance their awareness of the world around them.
It helps familiarize themselves with their neighborhood and hometown, and it’ll also make them realize how vast the world is and how rich it is in culture, traditions, and stories.
Geography Learning Objectives
By the end of the year, your child should be able to:
- Use simple directional terms such as near, far, up, behind, left, and right to describe the location of objects relative to one another
- Know the difference between a map and a globe
- Point out bodies of land and bodies of water as well as physical features on a map like mountains, lakes, rivers, and roads
- Locate their address on a local map, their state in a national map, and their country on a globe
- Point out other relevant places on a map such as where their parents work, where their grandparents or other family members live, the beach or amusement park they usually go to, etc.
- Draw a map of their neighborhood that includes their house, friends’ houses, grocery stores, churches, and parks
- Know that if it’s daytime on their side of the world, it’s nighttime on the other side of the world
Geography Worksheets and Resources
Here are 7 free resources and websites that can help you with the objectives listed above:
- - 9 Kindergarten Geography Games, Lessons, and Printable Worksheets
- JumpStart - Geography Resources for Kids
- TeacherVision - Geography Teacher Resources
- Atlas Mission - 10 Kindergarten Geography Activities to Make Their World Spin
- Seattle Pi - Geography Activities for Kindergarten
- Cotton Ridge Homeschool - Around the World in 28 Weeks
- SUPPLYME - Kindergarten Geography Lesson Plans
Geography Tips for Parents
Use colorful maps or maybe even pop-up books for a more engaging learning experience.
When talking about cultures from other countries, you can have them experience what they’re learning by exploring the food they eat, folk music from those areas, traditional dances, and how they dress.
Kindergarten End-of-Year Checklist
We made a checklist containing all these learning objectives, so you can evaluate how your kid performed this year.
Tick all the boxes of the things they’ve learned and be proud of you and your child’s accomplishments.
If they didn’t do so well in some areas, don’t worry too much.
These are all skills, and they can be learned.
If your child is having a hard time, just be patient.
They’ll get the hang of it.